We will make a bank transfer to your account. Once we confirm settlement, this should appear in your bank account within 3-5 working days.
Please check your email as your claim status is automatically sent to you.
Car Hire Refunds is an independent company which specialises in customer refunds and reimbursements. We do not have details of your car hire purchase since this was made through a car hire sales portal such as Auto Europe. Please therefore provide us with a copy of your car hire booking details so that we can process your request as quickly as possible.
Documents should be sent to:
Secure Refunds
PO Box 949
United Kingdom
Please make sure that you clearly mark your refund reference number on the first page of any papers which you send us. You will find this in the email we sent after you submitted your refund request, you can also reply to this email with scanned documents attached if you prefer.
Please make sure that you pay the correct postage when sending documents by mail, particularly if you are sending a large envelope. You should always send copies of these documents fas documents will not be returned.
Please note we will not return any documents and they will be destroyed in line with our document retention policy.
We aim to handle your request within 7 working days.
Car Hire Refunds is operated by Secure Refunds Ltd
Your documents will be kept for a period of 12 months and will then be destroyed.
Please see the Contact Us section to get in touch.